Wednesday, December 05, 2007


So if you're in the mood for a laugh, check out this video of D and I barely able to contain ourselves over cold-stone gelato in Chennai. The backstory: We met up with A our first morning in town at his boy P's place, a restaurant where they're introducing the cold-stone concept to India. You know cold-stone, right? Where they flip your scoop on the marble countertop with Reese's Pieces and Heath bar crumbles and granola and such? Well, as luck would have it the folks from ChennaiLive, a do-see-hear website keeping Madrasers abreast of all the hip happenings in their burg, were in the house to shoot video for a short feature on P's joint. Since cold-stone is as American as microwaveable individually wrapped low-carb apple pie, and we were the only Americans in the building, they figured they could ply us with free gelato in exchange for a few raves about the product ("The banana really tastes like banana! OMGee-lato!"). Luckily they figured right. We're such whores...but sexyfine and camera-ready (no hair and makeup for these two divas) after an overnight bus and less than forty winks. Enjoy, and please post any and all snide comments in the space provided. Peace.