Welcome to my blog. This site will serve as the online extension of my overworked imagination. Think of it as an outlet of sorts, but one you can stick your tongue in. There might be swearing, there might be laughing, there might even be a sob or two choked out in between. If you like where I'm going with a post, gimme a shout-out. If you disagree, gimme a shout-out. If you find yourself reading seven paragraphs about the relative moral implications of Cap'n Crunch vs. Count Chocula, how one supports the military-industrial complex while the other tacitly sanctions both aristocracy and vampirism, feel free to tune out at any time--but gimme a shout-out telling me you're leaving.
For the record, I prefer the morally neutral, fiberlicious goodness of raisin bran. Keeps me movin'.
These posts are the naked baby mice of my imagination, pink and wrinkly, deaf and blind. Some will grow fuzzy and open their eyes and scurry about in the space between the walls. Some won't make it past infancy, becoming little chewy treats for the feral cats roaming the alleys of public discourse. Each outcome is as likely as the other.
Free speech is a wonderful thing, maybe the best thing, and god knows you can find anything here on the internets. I hope to add one more bit to the bonfire, whether it's a water balloon or a full can of gasoline or just a shoebox full of cigarette butts and old porno mags. So here's to the bonfire, and to our various endangered freedoms, and to the idea that it takes millions of individuals to make up the organism of civilization.
This is what the beast sounds like...