If you're reading this back home, we hope you're having a happy Thanksgiving. To everyone else on the planet, happy Thursday. We're here on the shores of the Bay of Bengal dreaming of pumpkin pies and turkey sandwiches, but there's fresh seafood down the street that should make up for what we're missing. So while you're gathering around the table and celebrating everything and everyone you have to be thankful for, know that we're doing the same and including all of you. Best wishes, and may your day be better than your turkey's.
Oh, and one more thing:
I shot my feathered (and de-feathered) friends here at Kodai's Sunday market, where they were on sale for a poultry sum. If you want to see more, we've got chickens and monkeys and holy freakin' cows in glorious full-screen color over there on
Webshots. D is arranging the digital shots every week or ten days, so check back often to see what's for dinner. For easy navigating in the future, you'll also find the link on the sidebar menu at left. Peace.